CBO keniana, è un centro risorse a Kibera, non solo il più ampio slum in Nairobi, ma anche in Africa.
Lavora con giovani madre offrendo servizi di sartoria, catering, parruccheria, competenze per la vita, sostegno ed educazione. Watoto Kenya Onlus Trust contribuisce con la distribuzione dei Kit Dignity (kit completo per il periodo mestruale).


Following the recommendation of the head of the province’s Education Department, with the 2023 school year we integrated the Food Program with support for 18 kindergartens for a total of around 1,400 children.
The program includes the distribution of “porridge” as breakfast.

From the quarterly report of the Department it is underlined that:


DIGNITY KIT PROJECT Watoto Kenya Onlus Trust was founded in 2009. It is part of Watoto Kenya Onlus, an Italian NGOs founded in 2006 and operating in Kenya, Langobaia area-Kilifi County, since 2004. Its goals are education, capacity building, training, social assistance and job creation. VISION: new generation in a rural area of Kenya free…